To the Cross
Christopher J.H. Wright - IVP
The cross is good news for us today.With the expertise of a veteran biblical scholar and the wisdom of a seasoned pastor, Christopher Wright skillfully guides us on Jesus' journey from the Last Supper to the cross. Through the lens of the Old Testament, Wright navigates the Gospel accounts of events that include the meal in the upper room, Peter's denials, the taunts and jeers of soldiers and bystanders, and the anguish of crucifixion, inviting us to meditate on their significance for us.Jesus' death on the cross offers us the forgiveness that Jesus prayed for, and through his resurrection we can know redemption. This is good news!Adapted from sermons Wright preached at All Souls Church in London, these chapters are perfect for personal study and reflection. The book includes an appendix for pastors preparing to teach and preach on these passages, offering insight on sermon preparation as well as helpful commentary.
142 páginas
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