This Morning with God
Carol Adeney, Bill Weimer - IVP
What is God saying to you today? The Bible is a book about God and his relationship to people throughout history. But it's also a book about you. How can you discover what the Bible means and what it means for you today? This Morning with God is a guide to help you dive deep into the text of Scripture and reflect on its implications for your life. With fifty-two weeks of six daily readings, you can start at the beginning of any week and read through all four Gospels and the Psalms in one year. Inductive study questions help you observe, interpret, and apply the text and let the Bible speak for itself. There are no prepackaged answers—only insightful prompts to help you encounter God through his Word. First published in 1968, This Morning with God has enriched the devotional lives of thousands of readers. This updated edition featuring the Gospels and Psalms is available for the first time in over a decade in this special IVP Signature Collection edition. Whether you're new to the Bible or have been studying it for years, This Morning with God will be a valuable resource to return to again and again.
152 páginas
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