The Steward Leader
R. Scott Rodin - IVP Academic
Coach. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Executive. Servant. Visionary. Everyone has a different idea of what a leader should be. How can any one person be everything? Scott Rodin brings unity and clarity to this confusing, demanding picture of leadership. He offers a comprehensive model that brings together a biblical understanding of holistic stewardship with the best in leadership studies.Whether in churches, not-for-profit ministries or in business the need for sound leadership is readily apparent. Drawing on his years of experience in development and fundraising and his extensive theological training, Scott Rodin offers a new paradigm--a transformational approach to leadership that is biblically sound, theologically rich and practically compelling.
199 páginas
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O advogado de Deus
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Chuva abundante
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Direito canônico
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The Myth of Equality
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Psalms 1-72
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De Anjo a Demônio
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Christian Mission in the Modern World
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Orações do cristão católico
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A Descida da Pomba
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Calling in Context
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Três para casar
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The Future of Open Theism
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Acts 1–12
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Comentários do Antigo Testamento - Jó
Edmilson Francisco Ribeiro,John E. Hartley

Approaching the Atonement
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