The Next Mile - Mile Post Devotional
Brian J. Heerwagen - IVP
The Next Mile resources are designed to assist local churches and agencies plan and conduct effective ministry. Participants in the short-term mission experience include the goer, sender, local church, goer's family, mentor, host, and those to whom the STMer ministers.The mission experience that is well-planned and carried out will affect the life of each participant in their continuing journey to become more like Christ. These devotionals are designed to keep the passion and joy of service alive long after the experience is over.
80 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Cristianismo e política - Professor
Vagner Barbosa

O segundo Pentecostes
Ricardo Rezende

A força que vem da cruz
Pe. Moacir Anastácio de Carvalho

A história da Bíblia
Monteiro Lobato,Hendrik Willem van Loon

The Lost World of Genesis One
John H. Walton

Scot McKnight,Mark Oestreicher

O espinho na carne e a graça de Deus
Marcelo Aguiar

Possessed by God
D. A. Carson,David G. Peterson

Why the Rest Hates the West
Meic Pearse

The Man Born to be King
Dorothy L. Sayers,Kathryn Wehr

Ecos do silêncio
José Augusto Nasser

Douglas Connelly

Movies Are Prayers
Matt Zoller Seitz,Josh Larsen

40 dias transformando maldições em bênçãos
Padre Marlon Múcio

God, the Bible and the Shack
Cathy Deddo,Gary Deddo

Homem e Mulher em Sintonia
Monsenhor Jonas Abib

Certas ideias e suas consequências: aluno
Filipe Fontes,Hermisten Maia Pereira da Costa,Cláudio Marra,José Maurício Nepomuceno,Wendell Lessa,André Silvério,Gildásio Reis,Ricardo Moura Lopes Coelho,Christian Brially,Giuliano Coccaro,Tarcízio José de Freitas Carvalho,Jailson Santos,Jônatas Abdias de Macedo

Sustainable Young Adult Ministry
Mark DeVries,Scott Pontier

The Unhiding of Elijah Campbell
Kelly Flanagan