The Message of Mark
Donald English - IVP Academic
The fast-paced vitality of Mark's narrative wins the hearts of today's readers on its own terms. Yet while at first glance Mark appears to be a simple account of Jesus' ministry, a serious study raises all kinds of questions: Why doesn't Jesus make his true identity more obvious to the crowds? Why do his disciples find it so difficult to understand? Why is Jesus' work met with such growing resistance? Like any great story, Mark's Gospel unveils its meaning to those who listen attentively, inquire patiently, and reflect on its significance. In The Message of Mark, Donald English offers a wise, welcoming, and nontechnical guide to this smallest of the four Gospels. Beginning with an exploration of Mark's purpose in writing, he examines the focal points of Jesus' teaching, the stories, the characters, and the original audience of the Gospel. Along with exposition of each section of the text, he draws out principles and applications about the nature of true faith, the cost of discipleship, and how we should receive God's Word today. Above all, English writes as one who has a passion to help others appreciate Mark's portrait of Jesus—the Son of Man and Son of God. As with all volumes in the Bible Speaks Today series, this book is characterized by three goals: to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate biblical teaching to contemporary life, and to be readable. This new edition includes updated language and current NIV Scripture quotations throughout, as well as a seven-session study guide.
248 páginas
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