The Message of Ephesians
John Stott - IVP Academic
A common blind spot for evangelical Christians is to overlook the central importance of the church, emphasizing individual salvation more than the saved community. Yet no one can come away from a careful reading of Ephesians with a privatized gospel. Paul's letter to the Ephesians clearly sets forth God's eternal purpose to create the church—God's new society. In this revised Bible Speaks Today volume, John Stott expounds Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ by uniting his church. Guiding readers passage by passage through Ephesians, he provides helpful background, highlights key themes, and offers applications for Christians today. Drawing from his many years of studying and teaching Ephesians, Stott lays out the book's compelling vision of what the church should be and its ongoing need for renewal. Christians are called to new life, new standards, and new relationships within the new society, where God breaks down all the barriers that have divided us from God and each other. This revised edition of a classic volume features a new interior design, updated Scripture quotations, and light updates throughout.
272 páginas
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