The Leader in You
Ebony S. Small - IVP
Have you ever been thrust into a surprising place of leadership? Are you looking for a mentor who has had similar experiences? Ebony S. Small is a young leader with a wealth of experience in both churches and organizations. She's got practical and biblical wisdom to offer whether you are just starting or are looking for a fresh start in your life and leadership. Every life experience—good, bad, or indifferent—is a distinct marker that God used to hardwire you for purpose and help you lead from an authentic and healthy place. The power of God's presence is not just for your benefit but also for all in your sphere of influence. This book invites you to discover your unique leadership gifts and skills, showing how our obedience to God unleashes a ripple effect that can alter the destiny of generations to come.
160 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Biblical Hermeneutics
Beth M. Stovell,Stanley E. Porter

Institutional Intelligence
Gordon T. Smith

Fundamentos da teologia pastoral
Edson Lopes,Pérsio Gomes de Deus,Nívea Lopes

Sentimentos que aprisionam a alma
Gilmar Chaves

As cinco fases do namoro
Sandro Arquejada

O sentido do peregrinar humano: do nascimento ao declínio
Alfredo Crestani

A unidade dos sacramentos da iniciação
Elza Ferreira da Cruz

N. T. Wright,Patty Pell

The Uncontrolling Love of God
Thomas Jay Oord

Mind Your Faith
David A. Horner

Vida nova sem remendos
Joziane Nunes

Dictionary of New Testament Background
Craig A. Evans,Stanley E. Porter

Sculptor Spirit
Leopoldo A. Sànchez M.,Oscar Garcìa-Johnson

The Earliest Christologies
James L. Papandrea

Antigo Testamento - NVT (Nova Versão Transformadora)
Editora Mundo Cristão

O poder da mulher que ora - Livro de orações
Stormie Omartian

Keeping Place
Jen Pollock Michel,Scott Sauls

Reading Scripture with the Reformers
Timothy George

O que Importa é o Amor
Marco Aurélio,Marcelo Cesar