The Jesus Paul Knew
James W. Reapsome - IVP Bible Studies
"For to me, to live is Christ," (Philippians 1:21).Many of us may have thought more about Paul's foundational theology than about how Paul learned more about Jesus and what it meant to obey him in the everyday tests of his faith. This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide leads us through the growth in the apostle Paul's knowledge of Jesus and how it changed his life, when at pivotal points he intersected with Jesus.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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1 and 2 Samuel
David G. Firth,V. Philips Long,Tremper Longman, III

Spiritual Equipping for Mission
Tom Lin,Ryan Shaw

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Efésios
Bryan Chapell,Vanderlei Ortigoza

John 11-21
Thomas C. Oden,Joel C. Elowsky

Os atributos de Deus I
A. W. Tozer

Your Mind's Mission
Greg Jao

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Apocalipse
Richard D. Philips,Paulo César Nunes dos Santos

História católica para a Igreja de hoje
John W. O'Malley

Glórias de Maria
Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório

Hearing God Bible Study
Dallas Willard,Jan Johnson

Standing with the Vulnerable
Gil Odendaal

A missão de Maria
Cleyson Fellipe

Volta ao mundo sem malas
José H. Prado Flores,Padre Emiliano Tardif

Simão Pedro
Renan Di Melo

Intergenerational Christian Formation
Jason Brian Santos,Christine Lawton,Cory L. Seibel,Holly Catterton Allen

The Morals of the Story
David Baggett,Marybeth Baggett

War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views
Paul Copan

A luta pessoal para resolver os problemas da vida íntima
Monsenhor Jonas Abib

Women of the New Testament
Phyllis J. Le Peau