The Glory of God and Paul
D. A. Carson, Robert A. Peterson, Christopher W. Morgan - IVP Academic
The apostle Paul's theology of glory has its foundations in the biblical drama of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, and in the identity of Jesus as revealed in his teachings, life, death, and resurrection.The triune God, who is intrinsically glorious, graciously and joyfully displays his glory, largely through his creation, human image-bearers, providence, and redemptive acts. God's people respond by glorifying him. God receives glory and, through uniting his people to Christ, he shares his glory with them—all to his eternal glory.Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson explore the glory of God in Paul's letters with regard to the Trinity, salvation, the resurrection, the new covenant, the church, eschatology, and the Christian life. God intends his glory to impact many areas of believers' lives: their gradual transformation "from glory to glory" (2 Cor 3:18) occurs as they meditate and reflect on the splendor of the Lord.
312 páginas
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