The Flourishing Teacher
Christina Bieber Lake - IVP Academic
Teaching is a sacred profession to which you have been called. But sometimes you feel burned out: the relentless pace, the overload of classes, the grading, the advising, the additional committee work. Drawing on more than twenty years of teaching experience, Christina Bieber Lake writes to encourage you to rediscover your passion for your profession, to help you move from surviving to thriving, and to remind you why you chose this vocational path. Creatively structured around the typical rhythms of the academic calendar, this book offers refreshing and practiced advice about how to flourish in the midst of the teaching life. Lake also takes on several pressing questions: - How do I balance work and family time? - Where do I fit in time for my research and writing? - What particular challenges do female faculty face, and how should they navigate them?Remind yourself why you teach. Rediscover your passion for this vocation.
240 páginas
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