The Eternal Claim
Leigh Walker - 8th Note Press
I have given you my trust, my heart... I have never given it to anyone else, not in a thousand years. And yet, you could not trust me with the truth. In this breathtaking finale, Victoria finds herself at the center of a grand ceremony that will shake the very foundations of vampire rule. Trapped between the ties of kinship and a treacherous secret, she must confront hidden motives that jeopardize everything she cherishes. As the demands of the impending wedding consume her, Victoria must navigate the arrival of foreign dignitaries, including the enigmatic Emperor Lucas, whose presence threatens to unravel the mystery of her lineage. Amidst the gathering storm, her sister Isabel warns of a crumbling allegiance while the vampire queen manipulates Victoria into secrecy. Finally, Victoria's confidant, Anthony, pays a steep price for his knowledge, pushing Victoria closer to the edge. As Victoria and Dominic embark on their long-awaited honeymoon, their journey becomes a battle for control. Unbeknownst to them, Isabel and Anthony harbor their own plans that could reshape their world. Meanwhile, Dominic confronts troubles of his own as the queen schemes to exploit the prince and Victoria's union for the sake of human subjugation. But Dominic has sworn to protect his bride...even if it means standing against his own flesh and blood. Book 3 of 3 in the completed Kingdom of Eternal Night trilogy.
260 páginas
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