The Art of New Creation
Jeremy Begbie, W. David O. Taylor, Daniel Train - IVP Academic
The biblical themes of creation and new creation are inextricably bound to each other. For the God who created the world is the same God who recreates humanity in Jesus Christ and the same God who promises a new heaven and a new earth. How might the relationship between creation and new creation be informed by and reflected in the arts? This volume, based on the DITA10 conference at Duke Divinity School, brings together reflections from theologians, biblical scholars, and artists to offer insights on God's first work, God's future work, and the future of the field of theology and the arts. The Studies in Theology and the Arts series encourages Christians to thoughtfully engage with the relationship between their faith and artistic expression, with contributions from both theologians and artists on a range of artistic media including visual art, music, poetry, literature, film, and more.
264 páginas
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How Do We Know?
Mark W. Foreman,James K. Dew Jr.

Faz Um Milagre Em Mim
Regis Danese

A batalha de toda mulher
Neyd Siqueira,Shannon Ethridge

Creating the Canon
Benjamin P. Laird

Novena Perpétua de Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Missionários Redentoristas,José Ulysses da Silva,Alan Patrick Zuccherato

Distorted Images of God
Juanita Ryan,Dale Ryan

Devocionário São Bento
Sandro Arquejada,Pe. Bruno Costa

The 30-Minute Bible
Craig G. Bartholomew,Paige P. Vanosky,Martin Erspamer

Maria no desígnio de Deus e a comunhão dos santos
Grupo de Dombes

Culture Making
Andy Crouch,Tish Harrison Warren

O segredo de Maria
São Luís Maria Grignion de MontfortI

Equipe Coquetel

Volte a sorrir
Flávio Valvassoura

O enraizamento
Simone Weil

Prof. Felipe Aquino

Almanaque Wicca 2023
Editora Pensamento

Sermões sobre santos, jejuns e ordenação episcopal
São Leão Magno

Struggling with Evangelicalism
Richard J. Mouw,Dan Stringer

Learning to Be
Juanita Campbell Rasmus,Tina Knowles Lawson