Strong and Weak Bible Study
Andy Crouch, Jan Johnson - IVP Bible Studies
Throughout the Bible, we see that God entrusts each of us with authority as his image bearers, even as we remain vulnerable to loss and pain. To truly flourish, Andy Crouch argues, we must follow the way of Jesus. He perfectly blended authority and vulnerability and used his power for the liberation of others. In these six easy-to-use studies written by spiritual formation author Jan Johnson, you will encounter what Scripture says about power, vulnerability, humble leadership, and flourishing communities. As companions to the IVP Signature Collection, IVP Signature Bible Studies help individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths found in classic books. Each session features quotations from Strong and Weak matched with Scripture passages, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to connect the text to their own lives. A leader's guide and list of suggested resources are also included.
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