Story of Stories
Karen Lee-Thorp - IVP
The Bible contains many of the most fantastic and memorable stories of all time—the great flood, David and Goliath, the empty tomb. These stories are packed with enough verve and vitality to astound and inspire readers on their own. Yet when read as parts of a larger, grander story, each of these stories reveals added depths of artistry and meaning. Still, it is easy to lose sight of how the Bible's narrative threads weave together into one beautiful tapestry.In Story of Stories readers join Karen Lee-Thorp on a guided tour of Scripture where she retells the Bible's major stories, draws out the significance of overlooked subtleties and shows how individual vignettes contribute to Scripture's overarching story of redemption. Readers will find a renewed appreciation for the breadth and depth of the greatest story ever told in these pages.Written with both individuals and groups in mind, this revised and expanded edition includes end-of-chapter reflection questions and a leader's guide for facilitating discussions.
366 páginas
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The Politics of Ministry
Donald C. Guthrie,Bob Burns,Steven Garber,Tasha D. Chapman

13 chaves para compreender o Fim dos Tempos
Tim LaHaye,Ed Hindson

Santo Domingo
Ney de Souza

A gentileza que cativa
Dallas Willard,Amiro Pisetta

Vida de Santa Clara
Conferência da Família Franciscana do Brasil,Frei José Carlos Correa Pedroso

Encontros com Deus
Frank de Oliveira

Connecting with Muslims
Josh McDowell,Fouad Masri

O Jesus negro
Pastor Henrique Vieira

Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization
Kent R. Wilson

A Juventude e a Força do Amor
Dom Rafael Cifuentes

Obra completa - Teresa de Lisieux
Teresa de Lisieux

Jesus the Messiah
Robert H. Stein

Exploring the Old Testament
Gordon J. Wenham

Espiritualidade Laical
Vitoria Bertaso Andreatta De Carli

Art and the Bible
Francis A. Schaeffer

O diabo
Philip C. Almond

A Cura como Expressão da Misericórdia de Deus
Mary Healy

Bíblia para pregadores e líderes
Geziel Gomes

O Evangelho marginalizado
José M. Castillo