Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram
Scott Loughrige, Clare Loughrige, Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Doug Calhoun, Jerome Wagner - IVP Formatio
The Enneagram opens a remarkable window into the truth about us, enabling us to see how image, wounds, lies, triggers, and default responses shape us every bit as much as our faith. But simply diagnosing our number doesn't do justice to who we are. Nor does it necessarily change us or our relationships. Transformation happens as we grow in awareness and learn how to engage and reflect God's image. And relational repair then results as we apply Enneagram insights to the rhythms and grooves of our ordinary daily lives.For those who have learned about the Enneagram and wonder "What's next?"—this handbook is the answer. Filled with exercises to engage, challenge, encourage, and sustain, Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram will help us grow in greater awareness and lead us to spiritual and relational transformation.Including new insight on the Enneagram and the Harmony Triads, and offering helpful "Soul Resources" in the appendix, this handbook can be used by individuals or groups.
272 páginas
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