Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun - IVP Formatio
The Beloved Handbook for Transformation Through Spiritual Disciplines Maybe you long for a more intimate prayer life or deeper insight from God's Word but just don't know how to get there. Or maybe you want to learn about new spiritual disciplines like visio divina, unplugging or attentiveness. In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Adele Calhoun gives us directions for our continuing journey toward intimacy with Christ. While the word discipline may make us want to run and hide, the author shows how desires and discipline work together to lead us to the transformation we're longing for—the transformation only Christ can bring. Instead of just giving information about spiritual disciplines, this handbook is full of practical, accessible guidance that helps you actually practice them. With over 80,000 copies in print, this revised edition of a well-loved resource includes: - Seventy-five revised and expanded disciplines to transform your spiritual life, - Thirteen new disciplines for new readers and those familiar with the text alike, and - A new preface by the author.Mothers, fathers, plumbers, nurses, students—we're all on a journey. And spiritual disciplines are for all of us who desire to know Christ deeply and be like him. Here is direction for our desire, leading us to the ultimate destination: more of Christ himself.
352 páginas
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