Songs from Scripture
James W. Reapsome - IVP Bible Studies
"Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding," (Psalm 47:6-7). Throughout the Bible there are songs. Some are songs of celebration and hope while others express despair or humility and still others recount God's redemption. "Songs lift our hearts and minds," writes James Reapsome. "They powerfully convey truth poetically and musically. God commands us to love him totally and exclusively with the union of our emotion, intellect, and will. That's why he included songs when he inspired the words of the Bible."Taken together these songs reveal our humanity before God and the glory and grace of life in him. This nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores several biblical songs from both the Old and New Testaments.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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Certas ideias e suas consequências: professor
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O Papa Dos Milagres – João Paulo Ii
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Os últimos dias segundo Jesus
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Healing Racial Trauma
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Philosophy in Seven Sentences
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ESV Expository Commentary (Volume 3)
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Francisco de Assis
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Herdeiro do cálice sagrado
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Closing the Window
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Devocionário Santa Gemma galgani
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O mistério do Natal
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