Reciprocal Church
Sharon Galgay Ketcham - IVP
The church faces an unprecedented loss of rising generations.Young adults who were active and engaged in the local church are more frequently leaving the community behind after high school. What can we do? Responding to these concerning statistics, Sharon Galgay Ketcham reflects theologically on the church community and its role in forming faith. She exposes problems in the way leaders conceive of and teach about the relationship between personal faith and the local church, and offers fresh solutions in the form of values and practices that can shape a community into a place where faith will flourish in those both young and old.
208 páginas
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Abaixo a ansiedade
John MacArthur Jr

O que a Igreja ensina sobre...
Padre Mario Marcelo Coelho

Respirar Deus
Frei Neylor J. Tonin

Canção Nova
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Culture Making
Andy Crouch,Tish Harrison Warren

Estudos bíblicos expositivos em Eclesiastes
Philip Graham Ryken

Comece bem o seu dia
Luzia Santiago

Liturgia das horas e contemplação
Anselm Grün

O Deus escondido
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Spirituality of Gratitude
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Kingdom Collaborators
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Prelude to Philosophy
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The Cross from a Distance
D. A. Carson,Peter G. Bolt

Os astronautas de Yaveh
J.J. Benitez

Jovens Guerreiros e Guerreiras da Luz - Por que o sistema não respeita os adolescentes?

Mixed Blessing
Chandra Crane,Jemar Tisby

A cura dos traumas da morte
Padre Léo

E, por falar em Maria...
Pe. Douglas Rodrigues Xavier

Se abrindo pra vida
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