Live Slowly
Jodi H. Grubbs - IVP
Give yourself permission to slow down. Jodi Grubbs did not give herself permission for too long, falling headlong into the endless rush and exhaustion of hustle culture. After leaving her childhood home on the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean, she had assumed the rapid pace and stress of city living in the States. Soon she realized God was bidding her to a return to the "island time" of her past. In time Jodi found sanctuary and ways to care for her soul by making space for God, others, and herself. Evoking the contentment she once had in the gentle rhythms of Bonaire, she learned of another path: a path away from burnout and toward restoration. And she invites you, too, to grasp a sustainable approach to life anchored by the forced pauses of spiritual practices and an openhandedness before God. Each chapter offers slow-living shifts to help you put the concepts into practice. Begin to rest and let go of the need to keep up, as you learn to live slowly. Includes a six-session group guide.
224 páginas
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Orlando O seu guia de viagem
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