Knowing God Bible Study
J. I. Packer, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen - IVP Bible Studies
Faithful. Triune. Beyond comparison. Triumphant over all. These words barely begin to describe the God we serve, yet he invites us to have a relationship with him. What could be more important than knowing this all-surpassing God? These five easy-to-use Bible studies, based on J. I. Packer's bestselling classic Knowing God, explore the character and actions of God throughout Scripture. They encourage us to look for God every time we read the Bible and to deepen our understanding, trust, and worship in response. In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, this edition of the Knowing God Bible Study helps individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths. Each session features an insightful quotation by Packer matched with a Scripture passage, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to gain a fuller knowledge of the God we worship. A leader's guide and list of suggested resources are also included. Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Study Guide, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.
64 páginas
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Next Sunday
Samantha Beach Kiley,Nancy Beach

Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0
Brenda Salter McNeil,Eugene Cho,J. Derek McNeil

Bíblia 365 NVT - Capa Cinza
Mundo Cristão

The Message of 2 Corinthians
Paul Barnett

Teologia pastoral
Agendor Brighenti

Comunicação & intimidade
Gary Chapman,Vanderlei Ortigoza

As Sete chaves da oração da serenidade
Roberto C. Mayer

The Enneagram Goes to Church
Todd Wilson

Somente Cristo
Vagner Barbosa,Stephen Wellum

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
Brandon J. O'Brien,E. Randolph Richards

Desvendando a Maçonaria
Sérgio Pereira Couto

Batalha Espiritual - entre anjos e demônios
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

Douglas Connelly

Back to Jerusalem
Brother Yun,Enoch Wang,Peter Xu Yongze,Paul Hattaway

Arame farpado no paraíso
Tiago Cavaco

Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen

O voo da gaivota
Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho

Desencarnações Coletivas
Izoldino Resende de Morais,Jerônimo Mendonça

Recomece: Deus Acredita em Você
Padre João Marcos Polak