Caio Gurgel - Editora Novo Século
There are situations in life where we need to look back and learn from our mistakes to build a future of which we will be proud and satisfied. We must believe in ourselves, because with effort, persistence and confidence in our results, we are able to reach places we never dreamed of. In I've Stopped Drinking, Now What?, Caio Gurgel tells readers what inspired him to write this book. How he learned that it's not necessary to wait for tomorrow to take the first step towards a healthier life, because the right time will always be now. He shares the obstacles he encountered along the path and how he could see that, after his change in habits, the dif¬ficult moments could have been even worse with the presence of the drink - which is why he decided to take a step towards a different life. Today he can find a happiness he has never experienced before, and he decided to share his story so that more people can find a healthier, happier and longer-lasting path of life.
112 páginas
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