Good News About Injustice
Gary A. Haugen, John Stott - IVP
The good news about injustice is that God is against it. God is in the business of using the unlikely to bring about justice and mercy. In Good News About Injustice, Gary Haugen offers stories of courageous Christians who have stood up for justice in the face of human trafficking, forced prostitution, racial and religious persecution, and torture. Throughout he provides concrete guidance on how ordinary Christians can rise up to seek justice throughout the world. This landmark work, featuring newly updated statistics, is now part of the IVP Signature Collection, which features special editions of iconic books in celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of InterVarsity Press. A five-session companion Bible study is also available.
280 páginas
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Why I Am Not a Calvinist
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The Pastoral Epistles
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Fé em face da apostasia
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Hurting Yet Whole
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De bem com Deus
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The Crucibles That Shape Us
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A gruta das orquídeas
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