From Bubble to Bridge
Sara L. H. Shady, Eboo Patel, Marion H. Larson - IVP Academic
Understanding our religious neighbors is more important than ever—but also more challenging.In a world of deep religious strife and increasing pluralism it can seem safer to remain inside the "bubble" of our faith community. Christian college campuses in particular provide a strong social bubble that reinforces one's faith identity in distinction from the wider society. Many Christians worry that engaging in interfaith dialogue will require watering down their faith and accepting other religions as equally true.Bethel University professors Marion Larson and Sara Shady not only make the case that we can love our religious neighbors without diluting our commitment, but also offer practical wisdom and ideas for turning our faith bubbles into bridges of religious inclusion and interfaith engagement. Drawing on the parables of Jesus, research on interreligious dialogue, and their own classroom experience, Larson and Shady provide readers with the tools they need to move beyond the bubble.Interfaith dialogue is difficult, and From Bubble to Bridge is the timely guide we have been waiting for.
223 páginas
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