Fearfully and Wonderfully
Philip Yancey, Paul Brand - IVP
World Magazine Book of the Year Short List Discover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books! The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles—your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. In Fearfully and Wonderfully, readers will find: - Completely revised and updated editions of Gold Medallion winners Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image together in one volume; - A new preface that introduces both volumes for a new era; and - A discussion guide at the back of the book to jumpstart group conversations on the topics coveredJoin renowned leprosy surgeon Dr. Paul Brand and bestselling writer Philip Yancey on a remarkable journey through inner space—a spellbinding account of medical intervention, pain and healing, and the courage of humanity. Discover here the eternal truths revealed by our seemingly ordinary existence. The human body is a window into the very structure of God's creation and a testament to God's glory.
272 páginas
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