Faithful Work
Ryan Tafilowski, Ross Chapman - IVP
One-third of our waking lives is spent at work. Work is where we make culture and come into contact with our world. Work is central to God's mission to redeem souls, systems, and structures. And God works through our work to bring hope to the brokenness and fallenness of our surrounding culture. The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the world, and that includes the transformation of our ordinary work into a sacred calling. Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski show how work is a way to love God, serve our neighbors, and demonstrate the gospel. With a broader understanding of God's work in the world, we are able to engage our daily work as part of how God makes all things new. This guide invites you to reflect on the meaning and purpose of your life's work and to transform your work into service to those around you.
112 páginas
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Frequência vibracional
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Ed Odecam

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