Exploring the Old Testament
J. Gordon McConville - IVP Academic
Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Prophets considers the often misunderstood prophetic books of the Old Testament, including an exploration of their historical context, their artful use of language and their place within the chorus of Old Testament voices. This critically informed and theologically sensitive introduction to the Prophets introduces students to - issues in critical interpretation - the place of the prophetic books in the Old Testament canon - the social location of biblical prophets - contemporary applications of the prophetic books - dates and destinations of the prophecies of each of the books - theological contributions of the prophetic books - an overview of literary criticism on the ProphetsIn this textbook you will find double-column formatting for ease of use, annotated bibliographies for further reading, sidebar explorations of select historical and textual topics in greater detail, a glossary of terms, and relevant charts and maps.
272 páginas
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