Eugene Peterson - IVP Bible Studies
Every day, we must choose whether to live cautiously or courageously, to follow the crowd or to embrace God's purposes. God invites us to live at our best, to pursue righteousness, to drive toward true excellence. In this six-session LifeGuide® Bible study, beloved pastor Eugene Peterson draws from the story of the prophet Jeremiah to explore what a life of excellence looks like. Like Jeremiah, we may feel inadequate and weary, but God wants to empower us to grow in obedience, integrity, and endurance. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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Story-Shaped Worship
Robbie F. Castleman

Feathers of Hope Study Guide
Sharon Garlough Brown

Oração para pedir a Deus o bom uso das doenças
Fabiano Incerti,Douglas Borges Candido

Salmos 145-150, NVT
Editora Mundo Cristão

A importância de ser cheio do Espírito Santo
Silas Malafaia

O Senhor cuida do seu povo - Revista do aluno
Alan Rennê

A mistagogia da missa
Frei Luis Felipe C. Marques

Making Room in Advent
Bette Dickinson

God's Love
Ruth Ann Ridley

The Making of Stanley Hauerwas
Stanley Hauerwas,David B. Hunsicker

Francisco de Assis
Gentil Avelino Titton,Frei Massimo Fusarelli

What Is Jesus Doing?
Edwin Chr. van Driel

Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.
Albert Y. Hsu,Linda Doll,Andrew T. Le Peau,Robert A. Fryling,Jeffrey J. Crosby

God Is Great, God Is Good
William Lane Craig,Chad Meister

Reading Your Life's Story
Keith R. Anderson

Uma experiência com o sagrado
Almiro Pisetta,Joel Clarkson

Spiritual Friendship
Mindy Caliguire

Reconciling All Things
Chris Rice,Emmanuel Katongole

The Message of Malachi
Peter Adam