Excellence in Preaching
Simon Vibert - IVP
Preaching is a dangerously high calling in which mere mortals dare to speak on behalf of God. All too often, well-intentioned preachers preach poorly. But what do good preachers do well? And what can we learn from them?Simon Vibert has studied the work of today's leading preachers with an eye for discerning the dynamics of effective preaching. Each chapter profiles a contemporary preacher and lifts out practical principles for sermons that are biblical, motivational and transformational. World-renowned preachers like Tim Keller, John Piper and Nicky Gumbel display excellence in preaching by - being aware of cultural and philosophical challenges to the gospel - inspiring a passion for the glory of God - letting the Bible speak with simplicity and freshness - teaching with directness, challenge and relevance - exposing all of God's Word to all of God's people - and much moreLearn from the best. And become the best preacher that you can be.
173 páginas
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Surpreendido pela graça
Eliana Ribeiro,Tullian Tchividjian

O Homem Que Falava Com Espíritos
Luis Eduardo de Souza

Rezando com Dom Bosco
Maria Cristina de Souza

The Colors of Culture
MelindaJoy Mingo

Uma vida sem limites
Nicholas James Vujicic

Novena para enfrentar a ansiedade e a depressão
Dr. Roque Marcos Savioli

As doze promessas do Sagrado Coração de Jesus
Pe. Alexandre Lopes Alessio

Certeza do que se espera
Márcio Santana Sobrinho,Jon Bloom

A Mind for God
James Emery White

Reading Romans with John Stott
John Stott,Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen

Becoming a Pastor Theologian
Todd Wilson,Gerald L. Hiestand

The Gospel of Matthew
Skye Jethani,Leonard Sweet,Matt Woodley

Fé em meio ao caos: professor
Marcelo Dias,Vagner Barbosa,Shirley Carmem da Silva,Eduardo Assis

A chave da cura
Pe. Rufus Pereira

Ed René Kivitz

Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics
Graeme Goldsworthy

Ponte das lembranças
Eliana Machado Coelho,Schellida

Light of the Word
Susan C. Lim

Tempered Resilience Study Guide
Tod Bolsinger