Ending Human Trafficking
Shayne Moore, Sandra Morgan, Kimberly McOwen Yim, John Cotton Richmond - IVP Academic
Author Sandra Morgan awarded Wilberforce Award Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time, and in recent years there has been renewed interest among Christians, as many have been stirred up to take their part in the ongoing battle. This is a wonderful thing—and yet misinformed and misguided efforts can do more harm than good. Ending Human Trafficking is a handbook designed to educate churches and parachurch organizations for truly effective work.In collaboration with The Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University, Ending Human Trafficking is an accessible and compelling resource for Christian leaders, written by seasoned leaders in the struggle against modern slavery. Grounded in a theological response to the issue and filled with stories, up-to-date data, and practical tools and tips, it promises to be an invaluable resource for years to come.
224 páginas
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