Leroy Barber - IVP
The walls between us seem impenetrable.We live in an age of strife and division. Factors such as race, class, values and lifestyles keep us from connecting with others in meaningful ways. It's easy to avoid or ignore those who make us uncomfortable and those we simply do not like, but God's call to the church is to do just the opposite.Leroy Barber has spent decades pursuing reconciliation and justice amongst groups of vastly diverse people. He knows the challenge of embracing those who are difficult to embrace, yet he advocates that the way to radical shalom on earth is through pursuing these relationships.We have the opportunity as the people of God to bring true peace and unity to a world that desperately needs it. Embrace the challenge to show a divided world the bridge-building power of God's love.
144 páginas
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A religião dos incas
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The Spirit, Ethics, and Eternal Life
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Separated by the Border
Michelle Ferrigno Warren,Gena Thomas

Por que Deus não cura seus amigos?
Jose H Prado Flores

Recriados pela graça
Bernardo Cho

Your Mind's Mission
Greg Jao

Um coração saudável
Dr. Roque Marcos Savioli

Sem morrer, sem temer
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Diagnóstico familiar
Diácono João Carlos Medeiros,Maria Luiza Medeiros

Vencer na oração
Pe. Marcio Adriano Krefer

Um amor de verdade
Zibia Gasparetto,Lucius

Power Women
Deshonna Collier-Goubil,Nancy Wang Yuen

Kama Sutra
Vatsyayana,Luciane Aquino,Sir Richard Burton

Mãe de todos, Maria
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

After the Trip
Tim Dearborn,Cory Trenda

Corpo, alma e espírito
Joá Caitano

The Next Worship
Sandra Maria Van Opstal,Mark Labberton

Catequista, educador e comunicador da fé
Pe. João dos Santos Barbosa Neto