Divine Merger
Mark E. Strong, Kevin Palau - IVP
What would happen if your community had a head-on collision with Jesus? Pastor and community leader Mark Strong says, "You would have exactly what God wants: a divine merger!" He continues: "A divine merger is when the church intentionally integrates with its community. . . . The result is a kingdom transformation."This book is designed to give you the vision and tools you need to fulfill your own God-given mission in your community and church. Ranging from single-person sponsored ministries to church-wide and even multi-church regional ministries, these pages are packed full of ideas. The practical wisdom here will help any follower of Christ, pastor or church leader engage their community. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection appropriate for either individuals or groups. Are you ready to plan your divine merger?
176 páginas
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O Melhor Ano da sua Vida
L. Aguiar Valvassoura

Images of Christians
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God Is Great, God Is Good
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John 13-21
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O método ver-julgar-agir
Agenor Brighenti

Vamos rezar juntos?
Padre Fabrício Rodrigues

Uma estrada de salvação
Santo Afonso de Ligório

Deus & você de A-Z
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A vida silenciosa
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A crucificação de Cristo descrita por um cirurgião
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Gratidão gera milagres
Padre Bruno Costa

The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness
Iain M. Duguid,Philip Graham Ryken,Gary E. Yates,Dana M. Harris,Andrew G. Shead,Andrew T. Abernethy,Mark S. Gignilliat,Lissa M. Wray Beal,Paul D. Wegner,Nicholas G. Piotrowski,Alicia R. Jackson,Daniel I. Block,John W. Hilber,William R. Osborne,John N. Oswalt

A fé que nos foi dada
Kevin DeYoung,Mary Lane

A normal vida secreta de um jovem cristão
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Imitação de Cristo
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The Magnificent Story
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O pescador ambicioso e o peixe encantado
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O jovem Domingos Sávio.
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