Becoming an Ordinary Mystic
Albert Haase, OFM - IVP Formatio
I should be further along on the spiritual journey. Why don't I see any progress? What am I doing wrong? Do you ever feel like you are walking in spiritual circles? While we might think it would be different for a Franciscan priest, Father Albert Haase shares the same struggles. And yet he also affirms that we are all called to be ordinary mystics, who, in the words of his own spiritual director, are "ordinary Christians who do what we are all called to do: respond to grace."Learning to be a mystic is about cultivating a life with God in which we draw close, listen, and respond moment to moment. We know we will fail at times, but we can also be certain that we follow a God who never stops reaching out to us. This book offers a daily path to making the connection.
176 páginas
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Psicopatas no trabalho – Como identificar e se defender
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Arrume a sua cama
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5 Maneiras de acessar toda riqueza disponível para você
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Sementes para o amanhã

Se quiser falar com Deus
Kater Filho,Dom Orani Tempesta

Amor, vida e trabalho
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Uma palavrinha sobre os palavrões
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O eneagrama do sexo
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Vença a angústia da alma

Excel para Finanças Pessoais
Fabricio Augusto Ferrari

Como Saí Do Buraco
Fly,Isadora Andrade

Be Kind to Yourself
Cindy Bunch,Ruth Haley Barton

A Arte da Magia para Arrumar e Proteger a Sua casa
Tess Whitehurst

Pronta para ter o seu Bebê?
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A interpretação dos sonhos
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Calcinha, e aê?!
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Minuteens 2
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Do caos ao coaching
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