A Just Passion
Cindy Bunch, Tish Harrison Warren, Ruth Haley Barton, Sheila Wise Rowe, Terry M. Wildman - IVP
A Collection of Lenten Devotions from IVP Authors Injustice is rampant around us. It is also present within us. To better confront oppression in the world, we must own that reality and look to Christ our liberator. Lent is the opportune time for this as we contemplate his suffering together. With selections from a diverse range of IVP books, A Just Passion has been curated to hold in tension the immense weight and hope of the Lenten season. This collection of short readings, breath prayers, and Scripture passages from the First Nations Version guides readers through a six-week journey of repentance, lament, worship, and healing.
80 páginas
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Camila Barros,Midian Lima,Raquel Lima,Gabriela Lopes

Os pais apostólicos
J. B. Lightfoot,Karina Wuo

Meditation and Communion with God
John Jefferson Davis

Reading While Black
Esau McCaulley

Retrieving Augustine's Doctrine of Creation
Gavin Ortlund

Os atributos de Deus I
A. W. Tozer

Formação espiritual
Valdir Steuernagel,Osmar Ludovico,Silêda Steuernagel,Ziel Machado,Isabelle Ludovico,Ricardo Barbosa

A encarnação nos Evangelhos
Richard D. Phillips,Cláudia Vassão,Daniel M. Doriani,Philip G. RykeN

A graça e disciplina do Deus fiel - Revista do aluno
Mauro Filgueiras Filho,Alan Rennê Alexandrino Lima,Ricardo Moura Lopes Coelho

Nicholas Perrin,Eckhard J. Schnabel,David E. Garland

10 respostas que vão mudar sua vida
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

Regina Console Simões,Mariola López Villanueva,Maria Ângela Bragatto Lemos

Vida Poderosa
Carlos Damasceno

How to Give Away Your Faith Bible Study
Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen,Paul E. Little

Bíblia Contexto - Evangelhos
Maquinaria Sankto Editorial

Corações sem destino
Eliana Machado Coelho,Schellida

Foi assim que tudo começou - Revista do professor
Shirley Carmem da Silva

Courage and Calling
Gordon T. Smith

A esposa que quero ser
Judith Kemp