A Guidebook to Prayer
Joshua Choonmin Kang, MaryKate Morse - IVP Formatio
Why is prayer so hard?Many of us have asked that question. We want to pray. We intend to pray. But, as spiritual director and professor MaryKate Morse notes, " we don't pray as consistently or as meaningfully as we might like."And yet prayer offers us such spiritual riches. Prayer - draws us to experience love and to be love - increases our faith - expands our vision of God - helps us grow in self-understanding - gives us perspective on life and deathMorse continues: "Through prayer, we experience forgiveness, guidance and peace. We are healed physically and emotionally. We experience the mystery of God, see truth and receive spiritual gifts. We receive vision and courage for God's mission. Faith becomes more beautiful, more real."This guidebook is designed to move you from lamenting over prayerlessness to the joy of praying. Whether you are a beginner or a lifetime person of faith, you will find a treasure trove of riches here to guide you into a deeper experience of prayer.Each chapter explores a different angle of prayer with sections focusing on each of the persons of the Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And each chapter offers specific ways to pray both on your own, with a partner or in a group. Sprinkled throughout are reflections from the author's former students describing on their own experience with these practices.A treasure trove of both resources and encouragement, you will find this book to be an indispensable guide to your life of prayer.
251 páginas
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